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San Francisco, California, United States
My ability to notice things and connect my experiences in a meaningful way ensures that there is never a dull moment. At 24 years old, I am only now beginning to feel comfortable being myself. The nature of this blog is to document my Process and its contents are my unabashed ideas.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

affirmative pearl diving

Dearest Soloterre,

Here's that list i forwarded to you from all my relations:

You can start your story anywhere.

English is my 3rd language. Like every other person, my 1st language is body/movement and my 2nd language is tactile.

Get creative, there are infinite opportunities beyond the typical realms.

Balance is the first gate before one's path with heart.

Play is work-MOVE.


Organization is a stepping stone to leadership. Get it?

Everyone loses when people only know what they can't do but everyone wins when they know what they can do.

Your self is your greatest and most likely your only teacher. The ones that have claimed to have taught you have only exposed you to experiences and facilitated your environment. You give your learning meaning which adds to the continual support for past, present and future learning/meaning.

Identify needs and push appropriately.

Follow interests and when one is not as interested in an idea as much as before, one is ready to move on to another degree.

Finishing/death is part of the cycle, too many beginnings leaves too many cords entangled with heavy tension-embrace it, even tension creates a sustainable and infinte braid of cords, there's the idea of putting things back in their place.

Flirting between silliness and seriousness is "your thing"-sell it!

It is okay to experiment, it is okay to not be "perfect," it important to keep trying and to ignore previous stressful social ideas of judgement. It is okay to care that "people" think you are being yourself.

What does it mean for one who edits their words? And what does it mean for the ideas behind the words?

You can start your story anywhere.

Sell it!

Take note...

Smiling is Thoughtful,


If all else fails:

10 Hail Mary's, 5 Our Father's

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